I know! It sounds so horrid and I have gotten a TON of grief about it... but we are doing it. We have been for two and a half weeks and LOVE it!!! But its not quite what you think it is. I PROMISE! There are no diaper pins and there are no nasty buckets of soaking poopy diapers. They are super adorable and super easy and even mike likes them! They go on just like a disposable.
So why are we cloth diapering...?
Well, a while back Maeli got a really bad diaper rash. It was like a blistering sore and it was all over! And we treated it with diaper rash creams but it just wouldnt go away. It took a few weeks of her screaming every time we changed a diaper before it got better. At the time i just thought it was a normal diaper rash but about a month ago i read something about how pampers diapers were causing chemical burns on babies. So i was just reading about it and it showed a pic of a chemical burn and it described what it was like. And i pretty much knew that that is what she had. So then i looked into what kinds of chemicals were in these things that they would cause a CHEMICAL BURN on a babies butt. Well that was enough for me to question our diapering methods. I found out that the chemicals in diapers are the same one that were made illegal in feminine products because they cause TSS. And there are tons of other things in them that are questionable to have near a babies parts. Including the dies and the bleach that is used in them. So i start to talk to mike about it and with resistance he agreed to let me try it. So we got two diapers and i loved it. SO then i ordered two more and still loved it. so then i made 21 more and they are all so adorable and we are loving it all!!!
Another reason that CDing makes so much sense for us is the cost factor. I did the math and figured out how much we would save with Maeli if she potty trained in a year from how. And just her alone we save $450. Well these diapers can also be used on our next child if we ever have one. So that will save us about another $1500 there and so on with each kid we have. So yeah.... the money factor is way worth it.
And no... its not gross
We shake the poop off into the toilet and just throw it in the wash! We never touch anything poopy or nasty. Super easy and they come out super clean. Maeli loves them too. We have put a sposie on her for when we go to other peoples houses or if someone is watching her and she wines about wearing one. She will bring you a cloth and ask for it to be put on. They are super soft and they do keep her bum dry. The inner fabric wicks it away from her skin and pulls it down into the other fabrics. They can stay on just as long as she was in the disposables too. And she has goes all night with no leaks! I have heard that kids potty train quicker with them and also they do not cause diaper rashes because the skin can breath in cloth. So all benefits for us!
Well anyways... Just thought i would share with you all my latest adventure! We are officially cloth diaper converts and we are loving every minute of it!!!